Counting Calories COUNTS!
In an overwhelming world full of crazy and conflicting diet protocols, “fat burning” supplements and waist slimming belts, it’s hard to...
The secret to achieving your fitness goals? It's in your head!
How motivated are you to go to the gym tonight, or tomorrow? How about for the next year? At some point that motivation is going to run...
To eat, or not to eat
Too many times we find ourselves teaching an evening class, and people have mentioned that they have no energy. The question that follows...
Food is FUEL
Clients ask us all the time what they should be eating to help with their weight loss / fitness journeys. Most people are concerned with...
The big six
There are 6 essential nutrients the body needs to function: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral and water. We source these...
The What's What of Salads
Many of us eat salads because we are trying to make a healthy food choice. While salads CAN be wonderful things, did you know that Jack...
Evan's Salmon... 2 ways
Fish and shellfish are nutrient dense and salmon is no exception. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and...
The GRIT-Approved Grocery List
When it comes to your grocery shopping, we HOPE that most of your cart is filled with fresh fruit, veggies and lean meats. If you need...